Thursday, September 17, 2009

Hurting People & God's Love

In the past week I have come to realize how much hurt there is in this world. Someone told me, “Stephanie, you realize that every week.” And I guess that true…but I need to learn it every single day. May I can make a difference and help the hurting and the broken find Hope & Love.
Last night’s message was awesome. God was TOTALLY there & I was excited. I remember David saying, we need to make sure He has top priority in our lives. I remember I came to that exact point 2 weeks ago…I had come to the point where God was taking second priority in my life and therefore NOTHING was lining up, as soon as I surrendered 1st place to Him…everything fell into place. One of my passions is to share God’s love with teenagers. I recently told a friend, “When I talk to people when they leave, I don’t want them to see me I want them to see God’s love shine through me.”

Each Wednesday night we do small groups and I LOVE them I can’t wait to get there each week. Its exciting to me to see what happens in those small groups but its never the conversations in small group that mean the most its always the conversations I have AFTER small groups. Like last night when I didn’t let small group out til 8:20pm (I apologize) but the students who come in know I’m long winded and they still come  but what I love most is when I have two students stay and talk to me til 8:40pm (by their choice) about their concern for a friend. && Then later when I get home and get an txt from a girl in my small group (I had told them to txt me or find me on FB or myspace if they needed to talk to me) she txt me saying that the words I said tonight had made sense to her and wanted to thank me. Yet, I DO NOT deserve to be thanked…those were not my words,,,those were the words of my heavenly Father…Not me. So I began thanking Him for the opportunities to love others. I had SO many great conversations over the past few weeks…not because they were necessarily under good circumstances but because I was able to share God’s Love with them. So after I’m on like cloud nine because of what God is doing in our student ministries the following is the Air 1 verse of the day, “Habakkuk 1:5 ~For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.”

For these are words straight from God’s book. He doesn’t give up! & He is not finished with us yet. What HOPE that we have a God that loves us that much!

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