Tuesday, September 8, 2009

My 40 day Journey

So i'm taking on a new challenge, a 40 day challenge to be exact. Its called 'A Call to Die'...over the next 40 days i will be digging into God's word and letting Him challenge me like never before.

After recent events of being far too pushy to others and bugging them...i'm going on a fast of txting people. No more 'How are yous?' or "Hows life been going?" etc. for the next 40 days. Yes, I still Care about people and want to know whats going on in their lives but for once...i don't want to be the one that initiates those conversations. I want others to genuinely want to be my friend back. So i'm fasting from those questions. I will still txt. So Thats my 40 day fast. I'm excited and know that God will bring me joy like never before as i stand in awe of Him once again and fall in Love with my Savior again and again.

THe first day of my journey this story is told, "Years ago, a young, uneducated man in Chicago named Dwight Moody heard a preacher challenge his audience, "The world has yet to see what God will do through one man (woman) whose heart is completely his." Moody responded instantly, "Lord, I want to be that man!" Over the course of the next few decades, God used Moody to lead throusands of people to Christ, to begin a Bible college, and to launch a missions movement that eventually sent over 30,000 young men and women to parts of the globe that had never heard of Jesus or had even seen a foreigner. Moody was committed to his heart being sole and complete property of Jesus Christ. God poured out his Spirit to him."

So for the next 40 days I'm asking God to mold me and make me, so at the end of these 40 days i pray my heart and soul is complete property of Jesus Christ, My Lord, and Savior.

I, Stephanie Deal, want to be a different person. I want to be there for others like never before, i want to be bold in my faith, sharing the gospel and when others see me i want them to see the hands and feet of Christ! I want them to know MY SAVIOR b/c i'm so in love with Him!

So for the next 40 days please commit to praying for me & Keeping me accountable on what the Lord wants to do in my life and in my heart. May the next 40 days be life changing and indescribable as i take on 'the call to daily die to myself and live for Him!'


Anonymous said...

I'll be praying for you on this journey. This is the same journey that Race of Faith has committed to for the next 40 days. So please pray for them as well.
Love you Stephanie,
Mrs. Lisa

Eagle Star Academy said...

Hey girl, You know I will be praying for and with you. Love you.