Friday, September 21, 2012

The Things of God...

Sometimes, Never do I understand the things of God, they are too BIG for me to comprehend. Its official - I am now going to Uganda not once but TWICE! In February for 2 weeks then returning again in May for 11 weeks.

This came up all in a whirlwind of activity. As a church friend began mentioning the opportunity to go to return to Uganda in February - the Lord began to stir once again, one of those stirrings that you simply can't ignore but that kinda make you nervous all at the same time.

So within a matter of days God was once again stirring for me to answer the call to "GO!" I e-mailed the friend at church and simply told her - told her that God was telling me to "GO!" and that I would "GO!" So since that time ive begun the journey of prayer and trusting in the LORD.

Going to twice means almost twice the money - two plane tickets, two sets of malaria pills, two visa's...lots of two's but it also means TWICE the blessings!

In February, I will be traveling on a team to simply Love Love Love, thats what I've been telling people as of lately. Do I know what we are doing? Nope. And I've learned that it is okay! I'm going to Love those who the Lord has loved first and I know that He is preparing their hearts for us to come.

So Yes, I'm going to Uganda twice - No, I'm not nervous - I actually have a longing in my heart to GET there!

Please join me in praying!

*P.S. - There is a fundraising thermometer at the bottom of the blog - I'm keeping it up to date so you can watch too as the Lord provides! :)

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