Saturday, September 8, 2012

A Letter to the Church (My Brothers & Sisters in Christ)...

A Letter to the Church…

*I use the word Church to mean my Brothers and Sisters in Christ*

Note: Please know that this is raw, honest and you may not agree with it. But it is where I am.

I grew up under your guidance and your love. I have been brought up being loved by you and encouraged by you. It is through you that I know His Word and have come to love it myself. I have been taught by you how to love as His Word says to love; to love people for who they are, accept them, hug them, hurt with them. I have been taught by you and been shown through your example how to pray, how to cry out to the Lord. You have been the ones who taught me about His Word; that is it living and breathing and applicable to my life DAILY. I learned the fundamental truths from you. I learned of His love from you. I was taught by your loving hands how to serve, how to love, how to care. So now that I’m following where God has led me, to a place so far away, I’m not receiving all the support I once had so I want the church to know that I. Blame. YOU! I blame you because without your teaching of His love I wouldn’t have desired to know His love for myself. I blame you because without your teaching me to serve, by taking me to food pantries, to go pray with people, to the nursing home, hospital and on mission trips to rebuild homes, performs skits; all to share of His love, I wouldn’t have found a passion to serve. I blame you because had you not invited missionaries to come and share I may never have discovered that I too am a missionary because Jesus lives in my heart. I blame you for taking me to conferences, camps and D-Nows because then I may not have really developed a passion for the world outside of ME. I blame you for telling me that 1 Timothy 4:12 is true and that I can set an example because then I may not have come to know it as Truth myself and understand that no matter how young or old, I can make a difference. I blame you for praying for me, for it is those prayers God has used to change my life. I blame you for inviting Compassion International, World Vision, Samaritans Purse and other organizations like them because it was through them that my world became MUCH bigger. I blame you for allowing Nursery, Sunday School, VBS, Awana, Mission Friends, GA’s to exist because it is through these that I was loved and taught and eventually through His leading developed my own passion to serve in the Nursery, Sunday School, VBS, Awana, GA’s and through these things I have learned what His Word demands of my life, what His Word calls me to do and it commands me to “GO!” to GO to my neighbor, friend, school, state and world. I blame you for accepting those hwo are different than yourself because through you I have learned that God created each of us Fearfully and Wonderfully. See church, some of you are worried that I will fall sick, contract disease, be put in compromising situations, get hurt or die for HIS sake but church I blame YOU because without your loving, serving, encouraging, teaching, praying, supporting – I. Would. Not. Be. Where. I. Am. TODAY! So church regardless of whether you believe in me or support me or encourage me, regardless of your standce on my decision to GO, I THANK YOU! Thank you for teaching me how to serve, for praying for me, for inviting missionaries to share, for teaching me to give of my time, resources and of myself, for teaching me to love those different from myself, Thank you for having organizations like Nursery, Sunday School, Mission Friends, VBS, Awana and GA’s. Thank you for taking me caroling, to D-Nows, conferences and camps. Thank you for taking me to build homes, have backyard Bible Clubs and teaching me that sometimes we must meet physical needs before we can share of the HOPE of the LIVING WATER, Thank you church for supporting me to Camp Pinnacle, Haiti, Louisiana, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alaska (& Now Uganda). Thank you church, if it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t be on this journey to Uganda. If it wasn’t for you many would not get to hear of God’s love and special plan for THEM. So church, as much as I blame you for this – I thank you even more. Thank you for teaching me that I must love HIM more than I love myself. Church, I thank you. He has heard each of your prayers and mine as well. He has commanded me, just as He has commanded you to GO! And make disciples of all nations and Church, I must GO!


P.S. – I am not at all mad at the church (My Brothers and Sisters in Christ) by any means I just want the church to know that I want their support. For years they have taught me about His Word and I have come to have a REAL and living relationship with my Heavenly Father, His Word commands me to GO and therefore I must. I simply want the churches support the Family of believers wherever the Lord leads them near or far.


Mandi said...

Great post. Truth spoken in Love for sure. Praying eyes are opened and hearts are changed to see that God calls all of us to send and support those who say Yes! (those who say "yes" to obey what we are ALL commanded to do)

DThomas said...
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