Friday, April 17, 2009

New Orleans Mission Trip

Mission Trip to New Orleans...was AMAZING. A 13 hour ride there and home didn't phase us. We were there to serve God and help the people of the First Baptist Church of Chalmette, LA. We were able to continue the progress of so many that have come before us and it was AMAZING to see how many churches and groups had come for the common purpose of helping this church finish the structure so they could have a place to meet. Wednesday night we had the privledge of worshipping in their sanctuary for the first time since Hurrican Katrina hit. It was such an honor to be able to sit in that dusty,unfinished sanctuary and see the God being praised all around us! It was an experience i won't soon forget! While approx. 40 of our students were in New Orleans our other students were at church on Wednesday night. During the service back home our students prayed for us that were on this mission...1 hour later we had a student accept Christ on our mission trip! We came home with a New Brother in Christ!!!
We do serve an amazing God! He is deserving of all of our Honor, Praise & Glory!

Behind all of these people is the First Baptist Church of New Orleans. Two years before Hurricane Katrina hit this church located from downtown to the present location of this building. One day the architect came to the pastor and told the pastor that he had been praying and felt led ask the pastor to raise $20,000 more dollars to raise the foundation of the building, for if they raised the foundation and the damns ever broke then they church wouldn't flood. The church raised $20,000 more dollars and raised the foundation of the building. Two years later Hurricane Katrina hit and the First Baptist Church of New Orleans was the only structure that did not flood! They were able to house disaster relief, red cross, and other disaster crews. Had the church hadn't prayed & that church hadn't had the arcitect they would have had to go 20 miles out to find a structure that hadn't been flooded.
Katlynn, Me, Brandy & Lauren

My Group in New Orleans

The Family of Christ! :)

Some of my room (Macy, Brandy, Sarah, Me & Des)

Me & Brandy hanging tiles.

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