Wednesday, April 1, 2009

"The Living Word" Drama....FYI I serve an AMAZING GOD!

Tonight was the first night of a drama produced by my best friend, it was performed by the youth drama team, childrens choir and adult choir. I just want to first and foremost say. I serve THE God of the universe b/c of WHO He is to me! He didn't have to but he chose to die upon a cross for me! So anyways. for months we have all been preparing for a night that we were praying would change out lives and the lives of others around us...So Sunday we stayed after church and worked from 12:30 til like 5:30 then we went out to eat! We had a blast while all along working for the kingdom of God! Mondays forcast said it was supposed to rain, theni t rained on Tuesday night then Wednesday morning...all the time we kep praying for the rains to stop so that we could put on our drama with little problems. So it was 80% chance of rain on Tuesday morning but Wednesday morning the chance dropped to 30% ... i did a dance in my kitchen b/c i was so happy! Anyways...So lets call that prayer answer number 1. We set up 197 chairs for people to sit in (we normally average around 120) and prayed that we would fill all of the chairs. We did &&& brought out all of the chairs that would fit...266 chairs!!! with approx. 275+ people there! Lets says that answered prayer number 2. We held an invitation time during the first song no one stood up i was just in shock about how you could see something like that and not be moved...we were praying for lives to be radically my best friend radioed and said stephanie i'm coming down...with me waling down one isle and her down the other we met at the front & met Jesus there. She poured out her wasn't jsut a drama to us. It was the real life that Christ went through for each of us. He did it for you and for me. It was AMAZING to sit at his feet tonight & know that He WAS there! Lets say that was answered prayer number 3!I'm sure their are so many answered prayers that i didn't even accnowledge & i pray that their were lives that i have yet to find out about...i pray that is the case! If ANYONE knows anyone of a decision that was made tonight. Please let us know! We want to rejoice with you. One last thing. Satan was there tonight...But GOD WILL REIGN FOREVER! A choir memeber relayed to me afteward that during the Hallelujah Chorus song the tape kep restarting itself (for those of you in music you know that doesn't just happen) he finally had to unplug the machine to get it to play. CHRIST WILL ALWAYS HAVE VICTORY OVER DEATH! NOTHING CAN STOP HIM! Thank you God. Thank you for being there tonight with us. Thank you for the sacrifce that you made. we would be nothing without you, we couldn't have done this drama without your provision and help. We give you ALL of the Honor, Praise and Glory from tonight. We praise your name! Thank you Lord.Amen

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree, God was using everyone who was a part in last nights drama. Even those who didn"t even realize God was using them.....God is always faithful to His people and His word does not ever return void!!! thanks to all who participated last night and a special thanks to our director Miss Lauren, whom without her allowing God to work through her, this would not have come about.
I can't wait til Sunday night.
Mrs. Lisa