Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Prayer for the nations.

So bare with me as i begin to write this...i'm still trying to gather my thoughts from what God has done in the past hour.

God has been doing incredible things not only in the youth group but in the childrens ministries, adults ministries, family ministries and senior adult ministries hes being seen in the Pregnancy Care Center, God's Mission House and ALL of Gods ministries. Hes definitly in them! So this past sunday night when student leaders met we felt led that we needed to have an invitation instead of going to small groups directly after. WOW guys. i would never have guessed what would come out of it! One of the leaders told me that she had been praying for a revival tonight. WOW! God DOES DOES DOES answer i stood a circle of my brothers and sisters in Christ and prayed with those weeping around me, i couldn't help but cry. But my tears were tears of joy to a God sitting in heaven who is living! Hes not a god but hes my GOD, my Savior, He is LIVING and alive.
Some of you may be wandering why a revival...this all sparked from our message serise "One Month to Live" we talked the past 5 weeks about the if we had one month to would our motives change? how would we respond to family? friend? classmates? would we be different or would we stay the same? The past two weeks we talked about our legacy. Would our legacy be left that we had begun a journey with Christ and was living our fullest for Him or would our legacy be that we got drunk or partied on the weekends? Our legacy is what we choose it. God chooses to give us freedom of choice but we must choose to choose Him to be our live for fulfill our legacy that he has chosen for us!
Tonight is a turning point for me at least. I've begun my legacy of Christ but i've got to be more consistant in my daily quiet time with Him...I want people to look at me when i die and KNOW that i walked with Christ. I want them to see it at school, home, in that club & at church. Wherever i go whatever i do may it all be for the glory of God, My Savior, My King!

To my church friends: Thank you. Thank you for allowing God to use us! Thank you for crying with me as we thank the Lord for answered prayers. He IS in control. He is alive and He is WORKING!
To my God: thank you for listening, Thank you for hearing our hearts cry & thank you for my salvation for sending your Son for me! I love you.

Ok guys thats all i have. Please share your stories of what God did in your life tonight!

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