Tuesday, May 14, 2013

On May 18, 2013 the Lord gets on a plane with me...

The conversation usually starts off with questions of the adventures God has taken me on. He asks about what I did. She wants to know about the children, youth and women. They want to know if you went with a church and for how long. They inquire about the faces of the pictures they see. You excitedly tell them that the Lord did marvelous things that you were able to love, minister, serve, learn with them, that you experienced heartache with them and rejoiced as they came to know the love of your Heavenly Daddy. Then you tell them that you are going back for the summer for 10 ½ weeks, alone, you’re going to visit the village that has become like a second family, you speak of sitting with the women under the mango tree, and dancing to no music with a little girl, of holding a little boy while he sleeps and praying over a 16 year old's baby boy. You get excited about sitting on the floor with the women at church and of greeting everyone you seeing with “Yoga” as you walk down the dusty roads. You dream of learning how to mass produce posho, rice and beans for the nursery school and visiting the homes of women that you have come to love. You tell them of children who have special needs and how you will have the opportunity to see them make milestones; you will be greeted each morning with smiles even if no words are spoken. You get giddy just thinking of the faces that you have prayed for, for so so long. And then they say one little word that breaks your heart and makes it flip-flop inside your chest. They ask you “Why?” 

Then you try to explain that if no one will go then how will they ever hear? Don’t they too deserve to know that they aren’t alone in this world? That they were created for a purpose, they are not by chance, they too have something to offer the world? So my question is “Why not?” Why not pray for these beautiful people who need to hear of His love, who have gone years and years and years of their lives NEVER HEARING ABOUT A MAN NAMED JESUS. NEVER having The Good News to read for themselves, until now. Now, they are finally getting the chance – our Father has paved the way and the gospel is being made known. You begin telling them of the desire that you have to see baptisms happen in this place, to rejoice as they are immersed in water and publically proclaim that He is their LORD. Oh my desire to simply sit and learn and to be reminded by my Heavenly Daddy that I have SO much to learn. 

Dear friends, I don’t know WHY my Heavenly Daddy led me to go now at 22 years old, single and alone but I can speak Truth to you in this. I’m on a journey with the Lord, it is all my own and in the pages of the book that He has written for my life you will find at 22 years old, single and all alone on May 18, 2013 God gets on a plane with me. I don’t know the rest of the story or the rest of the words on the page but I do know that they include a Daddy that loves me, Brothers and Sisters lifting me up and an adventure that I couldn’t even imagine right now.

Join the journey and see the words unfold on the page! If you would like to receive e-mail updates please send me an e-mail at servinghiminuganda@gmail.com

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