Sunday, April 22, 2012

Kupendwa Ministries

This past week, I had the privilege of meeting several Sisters in Christ. I'm amazed that hearts can be connected before friendships even begin - but I'm so reminded over and over again, especially in ministry. So this weekend I met Amy Washington founder of Kupendwa Ministries. As I sat and listened to Amy talk about her passion of stopping the orphan crisis and how the Lord has led her to begin this ministry I was so encouraged. Here is this 25 year old woman who is a full time mommy to 6 little ones (2- 3 year olds, 3- 2 year olds and 1- 1 year old) and yet the Lord has called her to begin a maternity home for teen girls between the ages of 12-18 years old in crisis pregnancies in Uganda. Amy works with local pastors in the slums, villages and cities to find girls who are in desperate need of love, nourishment and encouragement and support. Amy steps up besides these women to love them to Jesus, teach them practical skills such as basket weaving and agriculture and teach them how to be a mommy. You should go read more about the ministry of Kupendwa at BUT here is how YOU can help! Below are some pretty neat things that Amy is selling to help support Kupendwa ministries! Below you will see what I have and the prices for everything. If you want to purchase something send me an e-mail at

Even in the midst of my own fundraising to serve in Uganda in 2013, I truly believe that the Lord has called me to be apart of praying and supporting Kupendwa in this way - There is so much to say but I'll leave you with pictures of everything!

Wide Elastic Magazine Bead Bracelets ($10)

Magazine Bead multi-color long necklaces ($20)

Light long magazine bead necklaces ($20)

Bags - the opening is adorned with magazine beads {Colors left: purple, green and orange - $30}
Brown - SOLD
Elastic Magazine Bead bracelets ($10)
Coil Magazine Bead Bracelets ($10)  - {2nd from the left - SOLD}

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