Sunday, March 11, 2012

Bringing Freedom to the least of these...

Human Trafficking IS modern-day slavery
In 2010 the Lord broken my heart as I heard that girls here in the United States were being held against their will and being sold and/or traded for someone else's pleasure. It made me sick and when I heard that I needed to talk about it - I KNEW that was something that I could do. So I began talking about it, talking to classmates, family, friends, Scottish Rites, my church family, anyone who would listen I would tell.

This morning I was approached by a lady who heard me speak several months ago about the issue of Human Trafficking and about an organization that has stolen my heart. Their mission is to advocate and restore girls who have been caught in Human Trafficking, they have set out to raise awareness that Human Trafficking exists and that it can be ENDED in our lifetime. 

She walked toward me and said, "My niece was approached by a guy on the internet who was in his late 30's she ran and told her mom and her mom contacted police, they caught the guy. But if I hadn't heard ya'll speak - I wouldn't have known and I wouldn't have shared with my family." and THIS is the reason that I continue to speak out, and continue to speak about the issue that no one wants to talk about or hear about because it isn't pretty. THIS story makes me smile and rejoice because lives are being changed and girls are being saved because these men are being brought to justice! 

& I will continue to speak out until all of Human Trafficking is extinct and no longer in existence. 
TALK ABOUT IT - It changes lives! 

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